martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Never buy processed food again!Take our  Healthy Cooking Course!

Our seven projects will assist you on your journey towards a healthier diet whether you plan to be a strict vegan vegetarian with no animal products at all or simply hope to eliminate meat from a few meals a week.  Our specialty is cooking with whole grains and legumes. If you want to add meat you can always combine what you learn here with recipes from other wonderful websites to create a fun, cheap, healthy menu!

– Rice and Beans

– Whole Grains, Nuts and Seeds
– Fruit and Vegetables
– Herbs, Spices, Seasonings
– Fun and Cheap, Quick and Easy
– High Energy and Fitness
– Weight Loss and Lean Muscle

Seven Steps to a Healthy Diet

-Seven Projects

-Seven Video Playlists

-Seven eCookbooks


-Order one or more of our digital cookbooks.

-Watch the corresponding videos.

-Print the project pages you want to work on.

-Order the corresponding bulk foods.

-Start cooking!


Follow the HEALTHY COOKING PLAN; Meals for the Week
Seven Healthy Cooking Projects

1-Healthy Kitchen Clean Out

2-Healthy Breakfast

3-Healthy Dinners

4-Healthy Breads

5-Healthy Protein

6-Healthy Desserts

7-Healthy Weight

Never buy processed food again!
Take our Healthy Cooking Course!

Millions want to eat healthy
but don’t know how!

The Heart Association recommends the same diet that we teach,
a diet centered around whole foods that spring from the ground.

This same diet not only prevents heart disease,
but cancer, diabetes and countless other diet-related diseases.

These seven projects make healthy eating
fun, quick, easy and happy!

Start with our FREE ebook!

The Heart Association recommends the same diet that we teach,a diet centered around whole foodsthat spring from the ground.
This same diet not only prevents heart disease,
but cancer, diabetes and countless other diet-related diseases.

These seven projects make healthy eating
fun, quick, easy and happy!

Click Here!

1 frozen Banana (medium sized)
2 tsp. of Milk (Use chocolate milk for chocolate ice cream! Also, less milk for a smaller banana, and a bit more for a larger one! but add it slowly, better to add too little than too much!
Toppings (Any fruit, cereal, nuts, dark chocolate chips, etc. I normally put granola and strawberries!)

Blend the banana and milk. When it's creamy, take it out and add any toppings. If it's too runny, put it in the freezer for a few minutes so it can solidify a bit!


1/2 a Banana
Whole Wheat wrap
Peanut butter
Spread the peanut butter and jam on the wrap, then wrap it around the banana. Tuck the sides in so the banana won't slide out while you eat it! 


Bun/Bread/English Muffin
Hummus (I used roasted red pepper- SO GOOD!)
Cheese (Mine looked strange because I used non-dairy cheese!)
Garlic Salt

Spread hummus and cheese over the bun, and add garlic salt over top of it. Toast it until the cheese is melted. 



Chop up any fruit you want of contrasting flavours and textures, and add some yogurt if desired. I also sometimes like to add granola, chia seeds, hemp seeds or dark chocolate chips on top!


1 Banana
Small handful of Dates
Handful of Pineapple
(optional) Almonds
1 Mango
Soy milk as needed

Blend and enjoy and cry because you want more (it's happened to me ;)!


Fruit/Anything to go in a smoothie
Popsicle Moulds

Make a smoothie, and pour it into the molds. It should sit the freezer for around 3-4 hours before it's completely ready. Run it under hot water to help you get it out- not gonna lie, it can be really hard sometimes!


For cinnamon oatmeal, take the oats, soymilk, and a bit of cinnamon and microwave it for 1-2 minutes. Add some more cinnamon when it comes out. (Optional: Also add raisins)

Berry Oatmeal: Microwave the oatmeal, milk/water/ and berries (if frozen). If the berries aren't frozen or you want more, add them after it's been microwaved. 

Optional: Add almonds, walnuts, sliced up apple


Literally, anything you want can go in salads. I add any veggies we have in the fridge, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, slivered almonds, goat cheese, pear, strawberries, and nutritional yeast on mine. 


Organic Popcorn
Garlic Powder (or other seasoning! Nutritional yeast is delicious too) 

Pop your popcorn (in the microwave, on the stove, or in a popcorn maker) and add some of your seasoning.

Healthy & Fast Snacks! | Clean Cooking


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